COVID-19 Precautions
We prioritize the safety of our attendees, and Covid-19 is no different.
That’s why we are enforcing the following for TSDS events in the midst of COVID-19.
All attendees must purchase event tickets online before arriving as there is no cash or Point of Sale system at the door. Each dance has a ticketing page that opens approximately two weeks early, linked in Events.
Masks will be required for all attendees when the CDC guidance recommends masking indoors for the COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level of the county in which the dance is held. Transmission level data is updated Thursdays at 8PM ET on the CDC’s website. You can find the current level by searching for state and county here. Both Shared Visions and CCC venues are in Orange County: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html
Water jugs/bottles and snacks will not be provided by TSDS at this time. You are welcome to bring your own, however all drinking or eating must be done outside if masks are required.
All attendees must provide up-to-date contact information at the time of ticket purchase for contact tracing purposes.
Attendees agree to inform TSDS of any known exposure or positive case that may have occurred within 5 days of the dance.
If you are positive for COVID-19, even without symptoms, please do not come.
If you are experiencing symptoms, please stay home.
Attending one of our events is a voluntary, social activity with inherent risk. We encourage you to carefully consider your own health, lifestyle, and level of comfort before attending. No precautions can guarantee that Covid-19 or other contagions will not be present or transmitted in any social setting.
Thank you for your understanding and compliance. The Covid-19 situation changes frequently. Individual health precautions can be very different from health precautions that could impact a larger community. We continually evaluate our measures against many factors, and adjust policy accordingly.
If you have specific questions, including medical exemptions, please reach out to us at contact@triangleswingdance.org.
Safety Committee
We are committed to fostering a dance space that is fun, inclusive, and as safe as possible. We pledge to address any reports of safety concerns that are received with sensitivity and sincerity.
If you have any concerns about a situation, attendee, or member of our community, in any context, please talk to us. We take reports of health concerns, safety, and harassment seriously and are committed to responding appropriately and with discretion.
Select board members serve on a Safety Committee. To make a report, please see any board member present at one of our events, and they will guide you to a safety committee member. You may also email the Safety Committee, safety.tsds.nc@gmail.com. This is an email box that only Safety Committee members can access.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 and seek the nearest board member available.
Need to let us know about a Safety concern at a TSDS event?
We are committed to maintaining a dance space that is fun, inclusive, and safe for all of those involved. Per that commitment, we ask that all attendees review our Code of Conduct before attending a dance. Not only will it set expectations, but you’ll learn valuable social dance etiquette that will come in handy!