about us
Promote swing dance and live swing music in the Triangle region.
A space that is welcoming to all people. We believe in providing an inspiring, positive, and inclusive experience with quality venues, authentic swing music, and a little bit of magic.
The history of vernacular swing dances. We honor the people and places that originated them, the music that inspired them, and how they have evolved in today’s culture.
Beginners! Anyone at any level is welcome to dance with us!
Fun and joy! Dance is all about personal expression; there are no mistakes, only variations.
Communicating and listening to verbal and non-verbal cues.
Asking people to dance, especially strangers. Each new connection makes our community stronger.
Consent. Anyone can say yes or no to any dance, or stop a dance, at any time.
Safety and comfort.
Freedom to dance any role: lead, follow, switch, and solo.
Friendliness, politeness, and generosity towards all.
Supporting the entire community of Swing-jazz artists.
Jam circles for everyone, no matter your skill level!

Triangle Swing Dance Society was founded in 1992 to bring Swing dancing and Swing music to the Triangle region of North Carolina.
We’ve operated with that mission for 30 years and have welcomed thousands of people at our events from all over the area, state, country, and world!
Today, TSDS is a hot-spot for live Swing music danced by people of all ages, backgrounds, identities, and skill levels. We bring in the best bands, include an intro lesson to get you up to speed, and lots of opportunities to get and stay involved. Join us!
Board Members
Diane Darlington
Matt Arlyn
Melissa Graf
Micki McCarthy
Paul Graf
Dee Matthews
Joel Plys

got Questions?
Just ask.