Expect to have a great time, even if you’re a little nervous! We’ve been there and we’re here for you.
If you’ve never danced Lindy Hop before, we encourage you to come to the complimentary beginner lesson that takes place before each dance at 7PM. This class will show you some foundational basics so you can dance that very evening and learn something new to boot!
Nope! This is a vernacular social dance so people rotate who they dance with throughout the evening. You can even dance solo to Swing music whenever you want. You will see both at a TSDS event - it is a dance party, after all.
Wear something that is comfortable and you can move in. Most people tend to don a slightly elevated wardrobe at our dances - think a date night or casual wedding. We love to bust a move in clothes that we love. But to us, it’s most important that you’re comfortable, so come in whatever makes you feel your best.
Specifically this can look like: slacks/jeans and a polo/button down/blouse, dresses, skirts with blouses and comfortable tops, and maybe a sport coat or light layer.
Avoid clothing with lots of ties, beads, and long pieces that could fly around, get caught, be damaged, or cause a hazard. It’s also wise to bring a change of top if you have a propensity to perspire.
There is no need to purchase specific shoes for our events, but we do have some tips on footwear to make sure you have a good time.
Wear smooth soled shoes (i.e. a not-sticky tread) that are comfortable and will stay on your feet. Keds, loafers, boots, worn-in sneakers/tennis shoes, flats, low heels with securing strap/laces, etc. all do the trick.
Avoid brand new rubber soles, very tall heels, spiked heels, sling backs, mules, sandals, and flip flops.
If it’s a wet day, please change into dry shoes before you step onto the dance floor. This will keep the wood floors clean and safe.
No one is born with dancing skills. It is something you learn - just like any other pursuit in life. Everyone there either is or has been where you are right now.
Plus, most Lindy Hoppers did not grow up training as classical or ballroom dancers. Many pick up Lindy Hop in their adult years and find it incredibly rewarding (and sometimes life changing). You’ll surprise yourself at how quickly you catch on!
Yay! Check our events page for our upcoming events. Follow our Facebook page for updates and join our email list to make sure you get all the critical info. Purchase your ticket ahead of time or at the door.
Before you come, take a second to review our Code of Conduct to help you feel confident when you walk in.
We take safety seriously. Safety concerns are rare, but can occur, and we’re here for you if they do. Safety encompasses many issues including, but not limited to, Covid precautions, concern for a community member, and unwanted attention or harassment.
Please review our Safety page for the most up-to-date information about Covid-19 precautions and how to get in contact with our Safety Committee for any safety concerns.
All attendees will be required to wear a mask when the CDC’s transmission level for the county recommends mask wearing indoors. Both of our most commonly used venues are located in Orange county.
If the transmission level recommends masking indoors, the dance will require masks. If the transmission level does not, masks will be optional.
This data is updated on Thursdays at 8PM ET and we will update the upcoming events page as things change.
You can search for the current transmission level here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html
We understand that there are strong feelings on the issue of dancing with or without masks and strive to do our best with the information we have at the time.
As with many issues during this pandemic, there is no clear cut answer that can align with everyone’s desires and needs.
Information changes frequently. In the end, we will use the CDC’s recommendation based on the most current data.
Regardless of mask policy, anyone is always welcome to wear a mask at any time.
You can be sure that we continue to evaluate and re-evaluate our policies regarding Covid precautions and adjust as we feel is best for the community.
Dance ticket cancelations will be refunded minus a $5 cancelation fee. This fee covers processing fees and charges we incur with our ticketing broker whether tickets are refunded or not.
To get a refund minus $5 fee, please email contact@triangleswingdance.org with your name and email.
Please note, if you are canceling within the 36 hours before a dance, you may not get a reply before the dance party. Our inbox is monitored M-F by volunteers that tend to have their hands full right before an event! But rest assured we will see your email the following week.
This cancelation policy only applies to regular monthly dances, and does not transfer to special events, like Flying Home or classes, that may have their own cancelation policies.
Not at all! If this is your first time, you won’t be alone in that. You will see a mix of skill levels at our events: first timers, folks who have danced for 30 years, and everything in between.
And here’s an insider tip: experienced dancers are thrilled to see new faces on the dance floor. They remember what it was like at their first dance. They totally get it and are happy you’re here.
The typical TSDS events schedule is:
6:45pm: Doors open
7pm - 8pm: Complimentary beginner lesson
8pm-11pm: Live Swing music consisting of three sets. DJ’d Swing music and a few surprises happen in between band breaks.
We provide light snacks and water/water fountains. (We are not providing this at the time due to our Covid-19 precautions).
You are more than welcome to bring a water bottle or other snacks as you’d like. We ask that food is kept out of the ballroom. (Food and drink must be consumed outside the venue for the time being).
Carrboro Century Center location has restaurants all around within walking distance. Old Murphey School is more remote and does not have other food and drink nearby.
Our events are designed for adult enjoyment. That being said, we do not have age restrictions on our events and adult-sized children are welcome. Small and young children can easily get hurt with so many adults movin’ and groovin’ at once.
We’d love to have you get involved. Consider getting a TSDS membership and/or volunteering as a starting point. Check out our membership page for more info on both opportunities.

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